Monday, November 15, 2004

Day Fifteen

Halfway through the time limit, another rousing email from the Nano Controller and another chapter posted. I'm really not happy with the story, but I've had a few interesting feedbacks so I'll continue to post it here.
Current Word Count - 34,000
Words Until Next Milestone - 3,500


Thursday, November 11, 2004

Chapter One

Chapter One is now available, and I've hit the midway mark! Find Chapter One here:


Hope you enjoy it, typos and all. Still on target - 50,000 or bust!

Tuesday, November 09, 2004


My writing is messy. It's sloppy, full of typos and grammatical errors. The beauty of NaNoWriMo is that I simply haven't had the time to go back and do the editing yet. If you can put up with it (and I hope you can), then feel free to read on.

Today's Chunk:

The Prologue
Amy Simpson, a BBC journalist, is at the end of a tour of the US, and is preparing to ask some final questions to the Senator of New Jersey, an man who is outspoken on his policies about the state of US homeland security.

Enjoy, and thanks for reading.

EDIT - I'm now on NaNoBlogMo! Thanks to the BlogMo Blogger (whose name I unforgiveably forgot)

Monday, November 08, 2004

Day Eight

Today's target - 13,336
Personal Target - 20,000
Achieved -

Well, not a bad day. The problem with writing a Nano I've now realised is that you can't change anything. If you've made one of your characters conveniently find a piece of glass to cut their bonds - even if you've magicked it from nowhere - its got to stay in the story for this month at least. People are reading here and there and asking me why I've done things I've done and my answer is simply - I don't have the time to do anything more understandable!
I've got some really bad days coming up, but I'm now over my second big milestone and they're coming a little bit faster now. My target for finishing is the 20th November, but it may be the end of that weekend (21st Nov). It'd be nice to finish early, but right now I'd settle with finishing at all!

Thanks for reading, here's today's excerpt:
None! Sorry, nothing interesting today. Tomorrow I'll try to post a large chunk of my story for you.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Day Seven

Just hit the 18,000 mark and though I wanted to get to 20k I'm more than happy with where I am. My friends seem to be doing quite well and in general Nano seems to be progessing quite happily for most people!

I'm going through quick and slow phases (usually linked to how many Skittles i've just eaten) but in general some parts are simply boring to write. I know this is a fault in my planning, and next time (!) I hope to get a better and more action-packed plan out. And earlier, with any luck!

Today's Excerpt:
"Hello and welcome to the Breakfast News on BBC News with me, Joseph Roth. This morning’s headlines today, the 1st November 2009."
Images flashed up on the screen of disgruntled American politicians.
"The US Homeland Security Summit has been called off at the last minute due to ‘unforseen circumstances’."
Images of firefighters and ambulances.
"An inquest has begun in the United States to investigate the causes of the bomb blast in New Jersey."
A picture of a chinese woman in her early twenties appeared.
"And a BBC news journalist has gone missing in Beligum."
The fanfare played.
Amy Simpson shivered outside the airport in the cold Belgian air wondering why it took Joe so long to read out the news. She wondered where Maemi really was, and looking down at the notes she had from talking with a police chief briefly she realised how little they had on her - and most of it negative.
After an arduous five minutes her earpiece began to talk to her.
"Amy, what is the current state of play over there?"
She looked into the camera and suddenly felt a pang of worry about Maemi.
"Well, Joe, I’ve been speaking to the police chief and they don’t really know what’s going on here. Maemi was last seen accurately getting into a taxi outside this airport, the Brussels International, although there was a major accident at a block of flats earlier on that the police refuse to comment on and alledgedly someone matching Maemi’s description was present at the scene."
"What are the police doing to find her?"
"Well the British Government is sending some help over to aid in the search, but the police do seem to believe that the accident at the flats near Jumet and her disappearance are linked, so they seem to be pursuing both cases at the same time."
"You mentioned aid from the government, do we know what kind of aid this is?"
She was beginning to tire of questions that no-one knew the answers to. Why weren’t they searching for Maemi? Did they think she was a terrorist?
"We’re not really sure at the moment but there are rumours going around that they will be undercover researchers who will hopefully be able to use some contacts in Belgium to glean more information. We can only wait and hope."
"Amy Simpson in Brussels, thankyou very much."
The camera whistled into silence and she bowed her head to the cool white noise of the wind. Maemi... Where was she?

Thankyou, and -yawn- Goodnight.

Friday, November 05, 2004

Day Five

Back on target. By which I mean I'm three days ahead. I feel GREAT and I'm charged up. Solved a few plot holes yesterday but more have arisen. Hope to beat them down and then move onto the key chunks of my novel. Current word count - 13,000. Looking mighty fine.

Today's Excerpt:

Maemi stared at him, nodding slowly to acknowledge his instructions.
"What are you?" she asked.
The world reeled some more as he uttered the priceless words.
"I am a sleeper." he said.
They froze for a moment and looked at each other, a new level of understanding that had opened up a new level of mystery. There were many questions that lay unanswered, many roads that lay untravelled, many deaths still to come and revelations to uncover. But for those few seconds they were fearless amongst the hounds, immortal and unchanging. Maemi wished the moment would never end, wished she was in a bar or a park where she could give him her number or arrange a meal. Jack was wishing she would stop it, because every time he looked at her all he saw was the woman he left behind, the woman who would be confused and hurt, the woman who would be lost.
A cold, harsh wind whipped in from the open window and grounded them in reality, their godliness lost to the past.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Day Four

I've hit a wall. A metaphorical wall, you understand, but nevertheless not a pleasant experience. The problem with planning a Nano is that when you reach the point where you stop planning you have to perform an emergency stop. I've hit the wall. And it hurts.

Still, I'm up! Yesterday the word count stopped at a grandiose 8835 words, and compared to my target of 5001 I'm feeling quite good in myself. I've yet to type up today's work but a lot of external work has been set and I'm bracing myself for a little bit of a fall.

I'm going to post the Prologue and Chapter One. I'm having trouble choosing where to space the chapters, so its more a chunk than an actual logical stop. But hopefully you'll enjoy it just the same.

Thanks for watching so far. Keep writing (or reading) - 26 days to go!

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Day Two

Behold! My word count is above my target! I'm so happy and giddy, and I'm fading between being incredibly worried that I won't have enough to write about and overly confident that I'm on a complete roll.

As an aside, I'll be posting clips of my story in 10,000 word chunks. A little adventurous, sure, but it'll make it easier on the eye I hope.

Already had to axe FIVE of my opening ten scenes, but I'm above the mark so far and I think I can pull back the scene count with a new sub-plot I came up with whilst on the toilet today.

Just so you know, natch.