Monday, November 08, 2004

Day Eight

Today's target - 13,336
Personal Target - 20,000
Achieved -

Well, not a bad day. The problem with writing a Nano I've now realised is that you can't change anything. If you've made one of your characters conveniently find a piece of glass to cut their bonds - even if you've magicked it from nowhere - its got to stay in the story for this month at least. People are reading here and there and asking me why I've done things I've done and my answer is simply - I don't have the time to do anything more understandable!
I've got some really bad days coming up, but I'm now over my second big milestone and they're coming a little bit faster now. My target for finishing is the 20th November, but it may be the end of that weekend (21st Nov). It'd be nice to finish early, but right now I'd settle with finishing at all!

Thanks for reading, here's today's excerpt:
None! Sorry, nothing interesting today. Tomorrow I'll try to post a large chunk of my story for you.


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