Friday, November 05, 2004

Day Five

Back on target. By which I mean I'm three days ahead. I feel GREAT and I'm charged up. Solved a few plot holes yesterday but more have arisen. Hope to beat them down and then move onto the key chunks of my novel. Current word count - 13,000. Looking mighty fine.

Today's Excerpt:

Maemi stared at him, nodding slowly to acknowledge his instructions.
"What are you?" she asked.
The world reeled some more as he uttered the priceless words.
"I am a sleeper." he said.
They froze for a moment and looked at each other, a new level of understanding that had opened up a new level of mystery. There were many questions that lay unanswered, many roads that lay untravelled, many deaths still to come and revelations to uncover. But for those few seconds they were fearless amongst the hounds, immortal and unchanging. Maemi wished the moment would never end, wished she was in a bar or a park where she could give him her number or arrange a meal. Jack was wishing she would stop it, because every time he looked at her all he saw was the woman he left behind, the woman who would be confused and hurt, the woman who would be lost.
A cold, harsh wind whipped in from the open window and grounded them in reality, their godliness lost to the past.


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